Mikedoley Liu 麥克多利 • 劉 – About the Artist


Mikedoley Liu was born in Taiwan and grew up in Liuzhangli, Taipei. Senior international painter, commercial artist, commercial designer, photographer, ceramist.Especially likes to invest in cultural and creative industries, such as investing in Berlin Art Museum, The Hague Art Museum, Chinese and Thai restaurants, digital textiles, ceramic glass crafts, etc. After working in Taipei for a few years in the early years, he moved to overseas development and traveled to many countries in Europe and Asia. Under the baptism of different cultures, the horizons of life are profound and broad, thus cultivating diverse interests and hobbies. Regardless of commercial visual design, illustration art, photographic aesthetics, craftsmanship or oil painting creation, not only forms are diversified, but also various style expressions are presented. In addition, he has also invested in the development of glass and ceramics, and has cooperated with many ceramic artists. In the past six years, he has obtained long-term orders from many customers, including hotels, restaurants and fashion boutique department stores. In his spare time, he likes to tell stories the most, and there are endless brilliant stories hidden in his head.

In a cave in the mountain or a hidden monastery that has been abandoned for thousands of years, you only need to say seven ancient Sanskrit words on the wall at a certain time in a certain year, month, day, and time, and the pronunciation is clear and complete. Sentences are clear, and after about one quarter of an hour, the four walls will show the wonders of thousands of years ago, surrounded by countless groups of monks participating in the lectures, or each time presents different illusions, and sometimes can see the gods The heavenly temple shrouded in the clouds, or the countless human catastrophes that have yet to happen but are bound to occur or have occurred in the past (such as the terrifying killings, the bright red blood, reflecting the boundless sky, or a natural disaster Catastrophe), only a few minutes later, the phantom slowly disappeared, leaving people to imagine for a while, or to obtain some kind of revelation. This is Mikedoley Liu, and people praise him as the “story king", or Mikedoley’s own life process and experience is a rich story that needs more people to interpret him.

In the past, his friends often called him Mike or Mike Liu. Later, he added doley after Mike, in honor of the support of his late old friend J.C. Doley. Since then, Mikedoley has become the stage name or pseudonym of his illustration art creation.

However, many friends, collectors, clients and students who knew him are still used to calling him Mike or teacher Mike in private, he is also OK! Even his new friends who ordered prints from him, when they met for coffee, he would say, “You can call me Mike in private" as if the relationship with each other is unusual. Only when the work is published and displayed will the host be asked to call him Mikedoley.

When it comes to Mikedoley Liu’s illustrations, his unique painting skills and style are undoubtedly the most popular in the European commercial market. Many commercial packaging and poster illustrations have his shadow. In addition, Mikedoley is also good at various media applications, including commercial design creation of watercolor and computer painting. Oil paintings are mainly pure creations. In the early days, they often painted the scenery of the market and the impressions of fishing ports in various places. Later, they were characterized by bold and abstract styles. In addition, the drawing skills of needle pens, Fineliner Pens, pens and pencils are also very amazing. In the early years, they were often seen in architectural advertisements, product posters and product inner and outer packaging. However, the most outstanding performance, the largest number of creations, should be oil paint creation, and commercial illustrations and artistic illustrations featuring Fineliner Pens texture.

Mikedoley Liu’s greatest originality in drawing skills is that he can bring the stroke characteristics of the stylus pen to the fullest, and it is rich in change. It is widely praised in the business world and even caused non-public active communication in art schools , Including some countries ’zoos, historic buildings, castles, scenic spots, restaurants, forest landscape buildings, and aquariums. Some private collectors have also handed over several paintings of figures from the nineteenth century to Mikedoley. The brush strokes feature highly difficult imitation paintings, so there are a lot of figures in the creation of character illustrations, and related animal illustrations are the creative trends that have only been in the past five years.

The appeal of Mikedoley’s painting skills is not expressed in the fineness of painting, but in the processing of light and shadow and the level of space, and its smooth strokes are revealed between the collection and the change in line thickness. The rhythm, rhythm and texture characteristics of brushstrokes, especially the beauty of the combination of content and image in the painting. Ahsendorf (also an amateur painter), a businessman who produces canned fruits and wine in Germany, once described and commented on the painting art of Fineliner Pens by Mikedoley :

“Fine photo-like painting, although it is also an amazing painting skill, but purely showing the beauty of the texture of the brushstrokes, it is another aesthetic interpretation that makes the painted objects appear different under the vivid and expressive line tension texture. Visual style. Exploring Mikedoley Liu ’s fast-moving and casual brush strokes is a kind of enjoyment! He can accurately grasp the contours of the scene and the changes of light and shadow in a very short time, and can easily use the weight and thickness of the lines The depth shows the visual rhythm of the distance and the level of light and darkness, and even the sense of flow and movement of the object, even the tremor of the wings, or the beautiful dynamic sense of the swinging posture of the dance, can be vividly displayed on the paper How difficult it is! The strength of the pen power is more than control, and behind it must be through years of experience. Of course, this is also his unique talent.

Therefore, to draw a good commercial illustration, it is not only about the fine texture, but also the essence of the brushstrokes and the aesthetic expression under the rhythm. Such a characteristic itself is the best selling point to show the painting skills. Strictly speaking, this wonderful brushstroke is the most noble performance of the Western sketch art hall. This is why Mikedoley’s style of painting will be loved by Westerners. His brushstrokes have an emotional effect and can be merged into the viewing. In the visual mind of the person. This has the same noble significance as the aesthetic charm of the linear art of calligraphy and painting in Eastern China. When this value feature is integrated into any commercial product, its brand undoubtedly brings new contrast in visual communication, which is exactly the unique style of Mikedoley Liu’s painting skills. “


Mikedoley Liu 麥克多利 • 劉,出生台灣,成長於台北六張犂,是一位畫功造詣深厚的資深國際畫家、商業藝術家、商業設計師、攝影師、陶藝師及燈飾工藝設計師。尤其熱愛文創產業投資,如投資柏林藝廊、海牙藝廊、中泰餐館、數位紡織、陶瓷玻璃工藝場等。早年在台北工作數年後轉戰海外,並遊走歐洲及亞洲多個國家。在沾染不同文化洗禮下,生命的視野深邃廣闊,從而培養出多元興趣與愛好,無論商業視覺設計、插畫藝術、攝影美學、工藝造形或油彩創作,不僅形式多元,更呈現各種風格表現。除此之外,他也投資玻璃陶瓷開發事業,與多位陶藝師合作,六年來已取得不少客戶的長期訂單,含蓋飯店、餐廳及時尚精品百貨公司等。閒暇之餘,他最愛講故事,腦袋裏潛藏著述不盡道不完的精采故事。

Mikedoley Liu除了畫畫攝影與工藝很在行之外,他還是個很能說故事的人,通常只要三五成群的閒坐下來交談,話匣子一打開,你就會渾然不覺進入了他故事裏的情景,或進入另一個奇幻時空之中,例如在咒語下會移動的古樹;一隻右眼全盲成白色,左眼卻有兩個瞳孔的老黑犬,竟有曉天機的本事;一處山中洞穴或為廢棄千年的隱密修道處,你只要在正確的某年某月某日某時某刻的時間裏,說出壁上的七句古梵文,且發音清晰完整,字字句句了了分明,約一刻鐘後四壁就會呈現千年前的奇景,四週全是在參與講經說道的無數群僧,或每一次都呈現不同的幻景,有時能看見諸天神祇或襯托在雲霧繚繞中的天界神殿,又或顯現尚未發生卻必然會發生或已經發生於過去的無數人間災變(如驚悚駭人的殺戮,那鮮紅的血,映染著無垠的天際,或一場天災浩劫),只不過幾分後,幻影就緩緩消失的讓人徒留一陣遐想,或者藉此獲得某種天啟。這就是Mikedoley Liu給人“故事王”的印象,或者Mikedoley Liu本身其人生過程與經歷,就是一則丰采的故事,有待更多有緣人去解讀他。

以前朋友們多喚他為 Mike或Mike,後來他為了紀念一位已故老友J.C.Doley 的提攜之恩,便在Mike後面加了doley。自此Mikedoley 就成了他在插畫藝術創作上對外發表的藝名或筆名。不過認識他的眾多朋友、收藏家、客戶和學生們,私底下還是習慣喚他Mike,或Mike老師,他也都OK!甚至向他訂購版畫的新朋友,相約喝咖啡時,他會說「你私下可以叫我Mike」彷彿彼此交情不一般了。只有當作品發表展出時,才會要求主持人必須以Mikedoley來稱喚他 。

論及Mikedoley Liu的插畫,其獨特畫功技法與風格表現,無疑是最受歐洲商業市場的青睞,許多商業包裝及海報上的插畫都有他的影子。此外 Mikedoley也精擅各種媒材應用,包含水彩及電腦彩繪之商業設計創作。油畫則以純創作為主,早期多描寫市集景致及各地漁港印象繪畫,後期則以筆觸豪邁又富抽象意涵之風格為特色。除此之外,在針筆、代針筆、鋼筆和鉛筆的畫功技法也都十分令人驚嘆,早年多見於建築廣告、商品海報及產品內外包裝上,猶表現最為超然出眾且創作數量最多的當屬不同尺寸和不同內容主題的油彩創作,及以線筆質感為特色的商業插畫及藝術插畫作品。

Mikedoley Liu其畫功筆技的最大獨創之處就是,他能將代針筆的筆觸特色發揮得淋漓盡致,且富有變化,在商業界乃廣為稱道,甚至引起藝術院校非公開性的主動交流,包含有些國家的動物園、古蹟建築城堡、景點觀光區飯店、森林景觀建築物和海洋館都曾找上他,也有私人收藏家將十九世紀的多幅人物油畫,交由Mikedoley Liu以線筆筆觸為特色的進行高難度仿畫,因此在人物插畫創作方面其數量不少,而相關動物插畫則是近五年才有的創作走向。

Mikedoley Liu 其畫技吸引人之處,並非表現在畫得如同照片般精細,而是在處理光影明暗和空間遠近層次表現上,其流暢的筆觸在收放之間和線條粗細變化下,所顯現筆觸的韻律感、節奏感與質感特色,尤其畫中內容意涵與圖像組合下所呈現美妙之處。有一位在德國生產水果罐頭及葡萄酒的商人Ahsendorf (本身也是業餘畫家)就曾對Mikedoley Liu代針筆的畫功藝術,給予如下描述與評論道:

「精細如照片般的繪畫,雖也是一種令人驚嘆的畫功,但純粹展現筆觸的質感之美,則是另一種美學詮釋,使被繪之物在生動傳神的線條張力質感下,呈現出不同的視覺風采。探索Mikedoley Liu其快速移動又似隨意而就的筆觸,是一種享受!他能在極短暫時間裡,精準掌握景物的輪廓與光影變化,並遊刃有餘的藉由線條的輕重粗細,與深淺的呈現出空間遠近與明暗層次的視覺韻律感,甚至是物體的流動感、移動感,乃至翅膀的顫動感,或舞姿的迴旋姿態下其優美的動態感,都能活靈活現的躍然紙上,這是多麼不容易啊!筆力的輕重緩疾之駕馭有餘,其背後必然是經由多年的歷練而來,當然也是個人獨特的天賦使然。

因此商業插畫要畫得好,不是只重質感的精細,而是筆觸的精粹與節奏下的美學表現,這樣的特色其本身就是展現畫功的最佳賣點。嚴格說來,這種絕妙的筆觸,正是西方素描藝術殿堂最崇高表現,這就是為什麼Mikedoley Liu之畫風會深受西方人喜愛的原因,他的筆觸帶有情感作用,能契合並融入觀賞者的視覺心靈之中。這與東方中國的書畫線性藝術之美學魅力,是具有相同的崇高意義。當這種價值特色融入任何商業產品之中時,其品牌在視覺訊息溝通上,無疑帶來新異的襯托,這正是Mikedoley Liu畫功的獨特風格。」

Mikedoley Liu 麥克多利 • 劉 | 黑線條魔畫筆技 • 視覺插畫藝術設計
Mikedoley Liu 代針筆藝術版畫 – A 組/B組版畫系列 |荷蘭 • 伯寧根〈Berningen-Mi7藝術中心-麥氏國際藝術開發機構〉
E-mail: mikedoleyliu2019@gmail.com |mi7ncadc@gmail.com
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